Saturday, 19 June 2010

I want a Timmy Woods poodle purse sooo badly!

How cool would I be if I walked into the office on Monday morning with a bitchin' pink poodle purse?!  I want it so badly and it's only $275!

Close Up

Going out in the rain....

I have never been one to let a little bit of rain ruin my whole weekend. On Friday night, Will, Pam, and myself when to the Englert for Cirque Stupendo and Les Dames de Burlesque. What an amazing show. Afterwords, we went to the Deadwood, of course!

Iowa City Pride

Today, Spencer the Dog and I hit Iowa City Pride for some fun and friends. NOTE: I went alone so there was no one to take photos of me and my dog so I used two from the Little Village taken by Kent Williams.

Doesn't Spencer look soooo cute getting his Pride on?  Spencer the Dog was a huge hit with his rainbow glitter fairy wings! Too bad the poor pup was too hot and tired to go further in the parade after only a few blocks.  He did, however, get about a million photos taken and was petted and cooed over by every passer by.  


I had a huge hankering for Pho today so I hit up Mekong for some Vietnamese yummies.  Totally love that place.  Great atmosphere, yummy food, a whole tea pot full of tea, and spicy extras to get my Pho just the way I like it.  Yum!

Sunday, 13 June 2010

New Dressssss. Thanks, Molly!

Totally hit up Molly's garage sale yesterday before it got rained out and purchased some of her lovely goods, including this fantastic dress.  Yay for polyester!

Mountain Goats Time!

Went to the Mountain Goats show last night at the Blue Moose with Pam.  The Beets opened and they were very cool and garage-y.  The house was packed and it was hella hot in there but a great show all around.

Sunday, 6 June 2010

Spencer's Hiking Backpack

This summer when we go camping and hiking, Spencer is going to carry his own gear.  We got him this special doggie backpack to do just that.  Hell, he can even carry my car keys.  What a useful dog!

My Spencer Tattoo

I had Sean from Iron Heart Tattoo in Des Moines, IA do another tattoo for me on Saturday.  I could not be more pleased with how it turned out!  Spencer looks cute and cartoony but you can for certain tell it is my dog and that is exactly what I wanted.  I am forever binded to my loving dog with this piece:)