I have come to realize that I have not always been the best at documenting life..... I was trying to find some photos of Will and I when we first started dating and I can barely find a single photo for the first year of our dating. Sheesh! The only reasons I can think why this is so is because we were dating long distance and only saw one another on weekends and I hated the way I looked at the time. But still!
Here's to documenting life, no matter how silly or ugly it might be! Cheers!
Will and I look like absolute kids here. This was taken at the Mill in the fall of 2006.
This photo sucks. Well, Will looks OK. I was kinda chunky looking. Anyhow, this was St. Patty's Day, March 2007.
His mom said she needed a holiday photo so we took this one in front of the tree. December 2007.
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