Thursday, 14 April 2011

Des Moines is getting a Yoshitomo Nara sculpture!

Way to be awesome, Des Moines!

Today in the John and Mary Papajohn Sculpture Park, installation began for "White Ghost," the Yoshitomo Nara sculpture that is to grace the fine green lawn on the northwest corner of 15th St. and Grand Ave. The 12 ft tall sculpture was originally created by Nara, a native of Tokyo, for an exhibit at New York's Asia Society. I am so thrilled to see the finished piece in person!

Saturday, 2 April 2011

Avoidance of Facebook Does the Mind Good

You would think that by my age, people would pretty much get over themselves but with the invention of Facebook and social media has come a greater awareness of self image. I have always considered myself a late bloomer and have felt awkward about who I am for as long as I can remember. In life, there are times when you are more sure of yourself and where you stand in relation to your peers and the social circle surrounding you. As it stands, I am nearly 29 years old, never married, no kids, no house, and no career. The traditional benchmarks of one's life are yet to be met and measured- I am a blank book yet to be written.

Now I am going to be honest here for a minute. I have always struggled with weight issues. Although I don't think I am alone in this arena, the feeling of failure when it comes to my physical appearance, especially when comparing myself to my peers has become too much pressure. Comparing myself to all of you, people who are my friends, former classmates, and coworkers is unfair. Instead of working to become a better me, I found myself utterly captivated by the images and messages streaming to me via social media.

My response? To take a break from Facebook. It has been several weeks now since I have last checked in and I do not miss it. My feelings of self loathing have been replaced with a new acknowledgement of self worth. And it feels good.

I want to work to be a better me and my hope is that I will measure this success not by how my jeans fit but by how I feel and the smile on my face. It takes 6 weeks for a new behavior to become habit and 6 months for the habit be become part of your personality. As me in 6 months how I feel, and I hope I can say that I am feeling pretty damn good!

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Top Albums of far.

In my most recent job, I have had a lot of free time to listen to music via my iPod, thus more of an opinion on what goes into my ears. With that said, here is my list so far.

Belong "Common Era"
Cut Copy "Zonoscope"
Ducktails "III: Arcade Dynamics"
Hype Williams "One Nation"
Maria Minerva "Tallinn At Dawn CS"
Nicolas Jarr "Space is Only Noise"
Sic Alps "Napa Asylum"
Six Organs of Admittance "Asleep on the Floodplain"

Saturday, 26 February 2011

Art Show, Yo.

I have really been thinking about putting on an art show lately. I feel revitalized about drawing and making art in a way that I have not felt in a long while. Maybe it is because of love? Yes, I will say because I have fabulous love.

In any case, the art show would have to be very small, miniature to be exact. All of the pieces shown are drawn with fine tipped Sharpie markers on index cards. I was thinking, however, that it would be feasible to re-create the pieces or ideas from each into larger scale paintings. What do you think?

I feel most happy making monsters and colorful worlds for imaginary scary cute things. Life is scary and the world in which we live in can be very ugly. For me, turning to fantasy is nice escape from working an office job and living in a stale and colorless world. It makes what is in my head turn to life on paper for a moment. Plus, I have a total thing for cute and all things cute related. Can't resist.

Ducky J

A little late to be blogging this but obviously, I have not been on here much lately. A big thanks to NYLON for making life a prettier place. I totally want this adorable duck smoking a j pin that contains a Javelin album. Just plug your head phones in and taa-daa! You have music!

Bonsai in the Sky

I had a dream about my bonsai the other night. In the dream, Juney, my Juniper bonsai had grown too large for it's pot and as a result, I chose to repot it in a botanical garden with water surrounding it. I crumpled up large chunks of fool's gold, otherwise known as Pyrite for it to be planted on top of. In my dream world, art can become reality for a few hours a night and I can live freely.

Tree in a Melting Sunset.

Little known fact- I have never done acid. This adorable tree I drew with colored pencils and fine tipped Sharpies seems to suggest otherwise. This little guy was one of the first things I drew when I finally got access to the full color wheel of Sharpies and it made me very happy to draw. Also, the drawing is small and portable, drawn on an index card. I genuinely wish trees really looked like this. My favorite color is sunset.


I am so very happy to be a Des Moinesian these days, especially when it comes to making choices for extravagant dining experiences. Tonight, Jason and I are using the last of our Living Social deals for some pizza and tiki drinks at Fong Pizza in downtown Des Moines. Crab Ragoon Pizza? Yes! Bacon Popper Pizza? Yes! 180 ounces of alcoholic beverage served in a dragon? YES! YES! YES!