Saturday, 26 February 2011

Art Show, Yo.

I have really been thinking about putting on an art show lately. I feel revitalized about drawing and making art in a way that I have not felt in a long while. Maybe it is because of love? Yes, I will say because I have fabulous love.

In any case, the art show would have to be very small, miniature to be exact. All of the pieces shown are drawn with fine tipped Sharpie markers on index cards. I was thinking, however, that it would be feasible to re-create the pieces or ideas from each into larger scale paintings. What do you think?

I feel most happy making monsters and colorful worlds for imaginary scary cute things. Life is scary and the world in which we live in can be very ugly. For me, turning to fantasy is nice escape from working an office job and living in a stale and colorless world. It makes what is in my head turn to life on paper for a moment. Plus, I have a total thing for cute and all things cute related. Can't resist.

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