Monday 29 June 2009

Puppy Vision 2.0

My little child Spencer is growing up. The little guy has definitely put on a few pounds in the week or so that we have had him, and has become so comfortable with us that he gets kinda puppy craaaaa-zy at times as well. Also, I have noticed Spencer has grown in some of his coarser adult fur, which makes me sad that our little guy is growing up :(

Spencer tried to give Hello Kitty a lobotomy. Sadly, she could not scream for help because she has no mouth.

Our puppy sitting in "jail" for the first time ever. AKA, the kennel. Poor little guy has the jail house blues!

Told ya he's getting bigger! But he still has his puppy dog charm.

We got Spencer his big boy bowls the other day. At first, he was scared of it because the metal identification tag on his collar would clank against the bowl..... But he got over that pretty fast!

Our pup taking a break from the heat at the dog park. Spencer rolled in a puddle of water and laid in the shade, like the cool dog he is. This is one of my favorite pictures because you can see the little puppy paw prints all over the place.

Yup, he likes to crash out on his back.

Stay tuned for scenes of Spencer going to the bars for the first time. Our little boy going to the bar at age 11 weeks!

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